NikolaTesla Fit
Kompromisszumok nélkül, még a kevésbé tágas konyhákban is: ez a páraelszívóval integrált főzőlap alkalmazkodik a mindössze 60 cm-es alaplapokhoz is.
NikolaTesla Fit

Kiválóság, még a legkisebb helyeken is.
Kompakt méret, szuper teljesítmény. A fekete üveggel jellemzett egyszerű, karakteres dizájn minden konyha stílusához illik, és garantálja a teljesítményt és az innovatív funkciókat. Amikor az elszívó zárva van, a készülék teljesen lineáris, ami esztétikailag remek összhatást nyújt. Kompakt mérete ellenére két főzőzóna kombinálásával még a legnagyobb edények is használhatók a főzőlapon; a funkciók a tolókapcsolónak köszönhetően mindig kéznél vannak. A gőzöket és szagokat a láthatatlan, csendes, egyszerűen használható és karbantartható elszívórendszer automatikusan felfogja. A hosszú élettartamú szagszűrők könnyen kivehetők, és egy speciális szelep lehetővé teszi a kiömlött folyadékok leeresztését a teljes higiénia érdekében.

Quiet, and just let the cooking speak.This innovation reduces disturbing noises made by household appliances, even when they are on the highest setting. Finally, you can carry on a conversation or enjoy music surrounded only by the sizzling sound of the food you are making.

Let’s reduce consumption and save energy. Each of our household appliances has been designed to obtain maximum energy saving, both in cooking and air extraction functions. This also makes it easier for you to conserve energy and reduce consumption, at least in the kitchen.
Good air is in reach. Sensors that detect quantity and quality of vapours and odours. Reduction of energy consumption. Removal of steam and moisture. Cleaner air does everyone good, and helps the environment too.
Infinite options, extreme versatility. The Elica hood and hob product line represents the widest range of products available on the market in terms of types, size, design, layout and features. We are ready to bet: there's no way you won't find the perfect solution for your kitchen.

Professional inspiration for your kitchen. Our household appliances have been designed to improve your kitchen experience, both in terms of living space and cooking methods for your dishes and recipes. This is why we have studied highly advanced professional cooking solutions, transforming them into innovative yet easy- to- use features tailored specifically for you.
Bridge Zone
XXL pots: there is room for them too.
Having problems with oval-shaped or bigger-sized pots? This function transforms two cooking zones into a bigger size one, ensuring you the same power level and constant temperature for a homogeneous cooking
Comfort Silence
The power is there, but is silent.
Kitchens are ever more being designed as open spaces, so blending all in one with the living room.
Having a hood is becoming a must, as it will ensure perfect extraction of fumes and odours without generating disturbing noises. The extremely low noise level of our hoods and extractor hobs, ensure you the maximum well-being, so you can cook and hold a conversation with ease while you’re busy preparing your recipe.
Automatic extraction, energy saving.
A function that does it all on its own. The extraction power of the hood is adjusted depending on the type of cooking that has been commenced. The smart system immediately understands when to reduce or switch it off, thus optimising your energy consumption.
Long Life Filter++
Cleaner air over time.
These filters have been designed to guarantee maximum performance and odour filtering efficiency far above than average filters. Thanks to their regenerating capacity, their durability is from 3 to 5 years. No more replacements, waste or troubles in their maintenance.
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